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Enfermeria (Montev.) ; 13(2)dic. 2024.
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1569162


Introducción: La muerte es parte de los tabúes sociales existentes y puede fomentar actitudes que distan de su abordaje explícito en relación con los cuidados. Objetivo: Analizar las actitudes ante la muerte en profesionales de enfermería de acuerdo con las publicaciones científicas en el contexto latinoamericano en el período 2018 a 2022. Metodología: Se realizó una revisión de literatura integrativa de las publicaciones científicas latinoamericanas respecto de las actitudes ante la muerte en el contexto de la enfermería, empleando los siguientes términos estandarizados: actitud, muerte, enfermería y cuidados de enfermería. Se incluyeron 8 artículos publicados en el período definido, en idioma español y portugués, en los que se abordó explícitamente la temática de la revisión. La información de los artículos fue analizada tomando como referencia los conceptos de la teoría de las transiciones. Resultados: Se encontraron diseños tanto cuantitativos (50 %) como cualitativos (50 %), elaborados en su totalidad en el ámbito hospitalario. Los principales resultados dan cuenta del predominio de la indiferencia ante la muerte en el contexto de los cuidados. En relación con la teoría de las transiciones, la mayoría de los artículos abordan las condiciones en que estas se dan, además de los conceptos de terapéutica de enfermería y patrones de respuesta. Conclusiones: La producción de investigaciones sobre la actitud ante la muerte en profesionales de enfermería es escasa en Latinoamérica. Las experiencias de pérdidas cercanas, la capacitación y el soporte institucional son la base para contribuir a una mejor actitud hacia la muerte

Introdução: A morte faz parte dos tabus sociais existentes e pode fomentar atitudes que se distanciam de sua abordagem explícita em relação aos cuidados. Objetivo: analisar as atitudes diante da morte em profissionais de enfermagem de acordo com as publicações científicas no contexto latino-americano no período de 2018 a 2022. Metodologia: Foi realizada uma revisão de literatura integrativa de publicações científicas latino-americanas sobre atitudes diante da morte no contexto da enfermagem, utilizando os seguintes termos padronizados: atitude, morte, enfermagem e cuidados de enfermagem. Foram incluídos 8 artigos publicados no período definido, em espanhol e português, nos quais o tema da revisão foi abordado explicitamente. As informações dos artigos foram analisadas tendo como referência os conceitos da teoria das transições. Resultados: Foram identificados desenhos quantitativos (50 %) e qualitativos (50 %), elaborados totalmente no âmbito hospitalar. Os principais resultados mostram a predominância da indiferença diante da morte no contexto do cuidado. Em relação à teoria das transições, a maioria dos artigos aborda as condições em que as transições ocorrem, além dos conceitos de terapêutica de enfermagem e padrões de resposta. Conclusões: A produção de pesquisas sobre atitudes diante da morte em profissionais de enfermagem é escassa na América Latina. As experiências de perdas próximas, a capacitação e o apoio institucional são a base para contribuir para uma melhor atitude em relação à morte

Introduction: Death is part of the existing social taboos and can foster attitudes that are far from its explicit approach in relation to care. Objective: To analyze attitudes towards death in nursing professionals according to scientific publications in the Latin American context in the period 2018 to 2022. Methodology: An integrative literature review was conducted of Latin American scientific publications regarding attitudes towards death in the context of Nursing, using the following standardized terms: attitude, death, nursing and nursing care. Eight articles published in the defined period were included, in Spanish and Portuguese, in which the subject of the review was explicitly addressed. The information in the articles was analyzed using the concepts of the theory of transitions as a reference. Results: Both quantitative (50 %) and qualitative (50 %) designs were found, all of them elaborated in the hospital setting. The main results show the predominance of indifference to death in the context of care. In relation to the theory of transitions, most of the articles address the conditions under which these occur, in addition to the concepts of nursing therapeutics and response patterns. Conclusions: The production of research on the attitude towards death in nursing professionals is scarce in Latin America. Experiences of close losses, training and institutional support are the basis for contributing to a better attitude towards death

Arch. argent. pediatr ; 122(4): e202310097, ago. 2024. ilus
Article in English, Spanish | LILACS, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1562722


En la práctica, es muy frecuente asociar las gestaciones gemelares monocoriales (MC) con embarazos complejos o complicados, utilizando ambos términos en forma intercambiable. Sin embargo, no lo son; el dinamismo es protagonista en los sistemas complejos, pero no en los complicados. Para entender a la embarazada con una gestación MC como un sistema complejo, primero se desarrollarán las características principales de los embarazos MC; su placenta es una de las principales responsables de los problemas. Luego se analizará el embarazo MC desde la complejidad, identificando las características del sistema y sus complicaciones como propiedades emergentes.

In practice, it is very common to associate monochorionic (MC) twin pregnancies with complex or complicated pregnancies, using both terms interchangeably. However, these are not synonyms; dynamism is the protagonist in complex systems, but not in complicated ones. In order to understand a MC pregnancy as a complex system, it is necessary to first look into its main characteristics. The placenta is one of the main sources of problems. Then, the MC pregnancy has to be analyzed from the perspective of complexity, identifying the system characteristics and its complications as emergent properties.

Humans , Female , Pregnancy , Twins, Monozygotic , Pregnancy, Twin/psychology , Placenta , Pregnancy Complications , Chorion
Medwave ; 24(05): e2920, 30-06-2024.
Article in English, Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1570703


Introducción La investigación sobre desinstitucionalización psiquiátrica ha descuidado el hecho que las reformas en este campo se anidan en un sistema de salud que se ha sometido a reformas financieras. Esta subordinación podría introducir incentivos desalineados con las nuevas políticas de salud mental. Según el Plan Nacional de Salud Mental de Chile, este sería el caso en los centros de salud mental comunitaria. El objetivo es comprender cómo el mecanismo de pago al centro de salud mental comunitaria es un potencial incentivo para la salud mental comunitaria. Métodos Este es un estudio mixto cuantitativo-cualitativo convergente, que utiliza la teoría fundamentada. Recolectamos datos administrativos de producción entre 2010 y 2020. Siguiendo la teoría de mecanismo de pago, entrevistamos a 25 expertos de los ámbitos pagador, proveedor y usuario. Integramos los resultados a través de la codificación selectiva. Este artículo presenta los resultados relevantes de la integración selectiva mixta. Resultados Reconocimos siete mecanismos de pago implementados heterogéneamente en los centros de salud mental comunitaria del país. Estos, responden a tres esquemas supeditados a límites de tarifa y presupuesto público prospectivo. Se diferencian en la unidad de pago. Se asocian con la implementación del modelo de salud mental comunitaria afectando negativamente a los usuarios, los servicios provistos, los recursos humanos disponibles, la gobernanza adoptada. Identificamos condiciones de gobernanza, gestión y unidad de pago que favorecerían el modelo de salud mental comunitaria. Conclusiones Un conjunto desarticulado de esquemas de pago implementados heterogéneamente, tiene efectos negativos para el modelo de salud mental comunitaria. Es necesario y posible formular una política de financiación explícita para la salud mental complementaria a las políticas existentes.

Introduction Research on psychiatric deinstitutionalization has neglected that reforms in this field are nested in a health system that has undergone financial reforms. This subordination could introduce incentives that are misaligned with new mental health policies. According to Chile's National Mental Health Plan, this would be the case in the Community Mental Health Centers (CMHC). The goal is to understand how the CMHCpayment mechanism is a potential incentive for community mental health. Methods A mixed quantitative-qualitative convergent study using grounded theory. We collected administrative production data between 2010 and 2020. Following the payment mechanism theory, we interviewed 25 payers, providers, and user experts. We integrated the results through selective coding. This article presents the relevant results of mixed selective integration. Results Seven payment mechanisms implemented heterogeneously in the country's CMHC are recognized. They respond to three schemes subject to rate limits and prospective public budget. They differ in the payment unit. They are associated with implementing the community mental health model negatively affecting users, the services provided, the human resources available, and the governance adopted. Governance, management, and payment unit conditions favoring the community mental health model are identified. Conclusions A disjointed set of heterogeneously implemented payment schemes negatively affects the community mental health model. Formulating an explicit financing policy for mental health that is complementary to existing policies is necessary and possible.

CienciaUAT ; 18(2): 58-74, ene.-jun. 2024. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1569021


Resumen: La orientación emprendedora es crucial para que los agricultores desempeñen su actividad económica con mayor crecimiento. El entorno institucional y la colaboración juegan un papel importante para desarrollar habilidades de emprendimiento. El objetivo de este estudio fue determinar el efecto mediador de las redes de colaboración en la relación de los pilares institucionales y la orientación emprendedora de los campesinos. Se tomó como base la teoría neoinstitucional, la teoría del capital social y la teoría de los recursos y capacidades. Se hizo un estudio empírico con base en un modelo de ecuaciones estructurales. Se realizó un levantamiento de información con 192 productores agrícolas localizados en el estado de Aguascalientes. En la postura emprendedora, la proactividad fue más importante que arriesgarse o ser más innovador para abarcar con mayor profundidad el mercado. La mediación de las redes de colaboración entre los agricultores ayuda con los costos de las regulaciones, el desconocimiento del entorno institucional y la administración de la actividad agrícola.

Abstract: Entrepreneurial orientation is crucial for farmers to carry out their economic activity with greater growth. The institutional environment and collaboration play an important role in de veloping entrepreneurial skills. The objective of this study was to determine the mediating effect of collaboration networks in the relationship between institutional pillars and the entrepreneurial orientation of peasants. The neoinstitutional theory, the theory of social capital and the theory of resources and capabilities are taken as a theoretical basis. It is an empirical study based on a structural equation model. An information survey was carried out with 192 agricultural producers located in the state of Aguascalientes. Relevant results were obtained on the involvement of the entrepreneurial stance, taking into account that the dimension of proactivity is more important than taking risks or being more innovative to cover the market in greater depth. An important finding was that the mediation of collaborative networks between farmers helps lower the costs of regulations and overcome the lack of knowledge about the institutional context and agricultural activity management.

Enferm. foco (Brasília) ; 15: 1-9, maio. 2024. ilus, tab
Article in English | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1553863


Objetivo: Mapear as teorias de enfermagem utilizadas nos diferentes contextos de assistência à criança e ao adolescente. Métodos: Revisão de escopo de acordo com a metodologia do Instituto Joanna Briggs, que incluiu estudos primários, publicados em inglês, espanhol e português, sem restrição de tempo, e disponibilizados nas bases de dados MEDLINE, WOS, BDENF, SCOPUS, CINAHL e SCIELO. Resultados: Foram incluídos nesta revisão 53 artigos, os quais evidenciaram 17 teorias de enfermagem aplicadas aos mais diversos contextos pediátricos, como hospitalização, terapia intensiva, cuidados para doenças crônicas e promoção da saúde. A teoria mais utilizada para direcionar o cuidado foi a Teoria da Adaptação de Roy. São várias as experiências exitosas no campo da pesquisa e prática assistencial com a utilização das teorias de enfermagem. Conclusão: Diferentes teorias de enfermagem embasam o cuidado de enfermagem pediátrica; e a escolha de cada teoria deve ser norteada por um propósito explícito ou assunto de interesse dos autores, com base em suas expectativas pessoais e nas evidências científicas. Por meio deste estudo foi possível vislumbrar o potencial de cada teoria para subsidiar a prática da enfermagem pediátrica. (AU)

Objective: To map the Nursing theories used in the different contexts of assistance to children and adolescents. Methods: Scoping review according to the Joanna Briggs Institute methodology and included primary studies, published in English, Spanish and Portuguese, with no time restrictions, and made available in the MEDLINE, WOS, BDENF, SCOPUS, CINAHL and SCIELO databases. Results: A total of 53 articles were included in this review, which evidenced 17 Nursing theories applied to the most varied pediatric contexts, such as hospitalization, intensive care, care for chronic conditions, and health promotion. The theory most used to direct care was the Roy's Adaptation Theory. There are several successful experiences in the field of research and care practice with the use of Nursing theories. Conclusion: Different Nursing theories support pediatric Nursing care; and the choice of each theory must be guided by an explicit purpose or subject of interest to the authors, based on their personal expectations and on the scientific evidence. Through this study it was possible to glimpse the potential of each theory to support pediatric Nursing practice. (AU)

Objetivo: Mapear las teorías de Enfermería utilizadas en los diferentes contextos de atención a la niñez y adolescencia. Métodos: Revisión de alcance según la metodología del Joanna Briggs Institute que incluyó estudios primarios, publicados en inglés, español y portugués, sin restricciones de tiempo, y disponibles en las bases de datos MEDLINE, WOS, BDENF, SCOPUS, CINAHL y SCIELO. Resultados: En esta revisión se incluyeron un total de 53 artículos, que evidenciaron 17 teorías de enfermería aplicadas a los más variados contextos pediátricos, como hospitalización, cuidados intensivos, cuidados de enfermedades crónicas y promoción de la salud. La teoría más utilizadas para dirigir el cuidado fue la Teoría de la Adaptación de Roy. Existen varias experiencias exitosas en el campo de la investigación y la práctica asistencial con el uso de las teorías de Enfermería. Conclusión: Diferentes teorías de Enfermería sustentan la atención de Enfermería pediátrica; y la elección de cada teoría debe estar guiada por un propósito explícito o tema de interés para los autores, con base en sus expectativas personales y en la evidencia científica.A través de este estudio se pudo vislumbrar el potencial de cada teoría para sustentar la práctica de la Enfermería pediátrica. (AU)

Nursing Theory , Pediatric Nursing , Review Literature as Topic , Nursing Care
Humanidad. med ; 24(1)abr. 2024.
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1557981


Introducción: La educación superior en general y la médica en lo particular han evidenciado su importancia en el desarrollo histórico de la sociedad. En este contexto la pedagogía crítica enuncia los principios fundamentales para el desarrollo de la educación. Se presenta como una perspectiva emancipadora de la formación para entender y resolver los problemas relacionados con la práctica pedagógica según las exigencias sociales. Objetivo: Mostrar las relaciones entre los principios de la pedagogía crítica y las funciones de la profesionalización docente en la Educación Médica Superior. Métodos: Se realizó una investigación de tipo descriptivo bajo el enfoque dialéctico materialista con la utilización de dos fuentes de información, la revisión bibliográfica y documental que permitió la indagación teórica sobre la temática que se estudia con los métodos: histórico - lógico, analítico - sintético y la sistematización. Resultados: Se pudo constatar que la profesionalización docente de la Educación Superior deberá utilizar la pedagogía crítica como una importante herramienta para el desarrollo de la actuación docente, pues esta constituye un referente importante para el logro del desarrollo profesional. Discusión: Se justifica la expresión de la pedagogía critica en y desde la profesionalización docente de la Educación Médica Superior debido a la necesidad que imponen las constante transformaciones que tiene que afrontar esta, a tenor de la realidad siempre cambiantes en al ámbito económico, político, social y cultural del país y del mundo.

Introduction: Higher education in general and medical education in particular have demonstrated their importance in the historical development of society. In this context, critical pedagogy states the fundamental principles for the development of education. It is presented as an emancipatory perspective of training to understand and solve problems related to pedagogical practice according to social demands. Objective: to show the relationships between the principles of critical pedagogy and the functions of teaching professionalization in Higher Medical Education. Methods: A descriptive research was carried out under the dialectical materialist approach with the use of two sources of information, the bibliographic and documentary review that allowed the theoretical investigation on the topic being studied with the methods: historical - logical, analytical - synthetic and systematization. Results: It was confirmed that the teaching professionalization of Higher Education must use critical pedagogy as an important tool for the development of teaching performance, since this constitutes an important reference for the achievement of professional development. Discussion: The expression of critical pedagogy in and from the teaching professionalization of Higher Medical Education is justified due to the need imposed by the constant transformations that it has to face, in light of the ever-changing reality in the economic, political, social and cultural of the country and the world.

Curitiba; s.n; 20240402. 197 p. ilus.
Thesis in Portuguese | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1561728


Resumo: A saúde sexual e reprodutiva é um pilar fundamental do sistema de saúde brasileiro, assinalando a importância das políticas públicas e programas voltados para a promoção dos direitos sexuais e reprodutivos. Nessas políticas, mulheres com 35 anos ou mais recebem pouca ou nenhuma atenção em relação a esse tema, pois as políticas estão voltadas para prevenção de doenças. Há uma crescente prevalência de gravidezes não planejadas nessa faixa etária e estudos não têm conseguido apreender conhecimentos acerca das experiências de mulheres que vivenciam a transição para a maternidade não planejada em idade avançada, a fim de aprimorar o cuidado a essas e promover uma transição bem-sucedida. Assim, o objetivo deste estudo foi desenvolver uma Teoria de Situação Específica para o cuidado de Enfermagem à mulher com 35 anos ou mais em transição para a maternidade de uma gestação não planejada, a partir da Teoria das Transições. O estudo caracteriza-se como teórico-exploratório de natureza qualitativa, que utilizou a Abordagem Integrativa para o desenvolvimento de Teorias de Situação Específica em enfermagem, guiada pela estratégia teoria-pesquisa-teoria, de Afaf Meleis. O processo metodológico envolveu um exercício reflexivo dedutivo, iniciando com a derivação dos conceitos centrais da Teoria das Transições. Seguiu-se a indução por meio de pesquisa de campo qualitativa, com entrevistas semiestruturadas de seis gestantes que não planejaram a gestação, com média de idade de 41 anos, ocorridas entre julho de 2022 a julho de 2023 no prénatal de alto risco de um hospital universitário do Sul do Brasil. Ainda indutivamente, produziuse dados a partir da reanálise de uma dissertação de Mestrado do grupo de pesquisa, bem como de revisão integrativa da literatura e da experiência com pesquisas prévias no tema, a fim de fundamentar o desenvolvimento da Teoria de Situação Específica. Foram desenvolvidas a partir disso declarações do metaparadigma, pressupostos e proposições. A teoria desenvolvida explica a transição para a maternidade não planejada em mulheres com 35 anos ou mais, contextualizando-a como um fenômeno social complexo, influenciado por fatores socioeconômicos, culturais, individuais e coletivos. A teoria explica como a maternidade tardia, especialmente quando não planejada, emerge como um papel em constante transformação, permeado por percepções diversas sobre o significado de ser mãe nessa fase da vida, desafiando frequentemente expectativas e crenças prévias. À medida que a experiência se amplia, concepções anteriores sobre a maternidade são questionadas, e novas são formadas, conduzindo a um processo de empoderamento e redefinição pessoal. Esta transição para a maternidade, marcada pela pluralidade de perspectivas e experiências, destaca a complexidade e a individualidade de cada mulher. Foi desenvolvida uma representação gráfica com as relações entre as declarações do metaparadigma., assim como nove proposições e cinco pressupostos. Esta teoria se baseia em vertentes do conhecimento científico atual para justificar sua construção, ressaltando a importância de compreender as experiências humanas e os contextos sociais onde ocorrem. A Teoria de Situação Específica atingiu o objetivo na medida em que propõe uma estrutura teórica em que o cuidado de enfermagem facilita os processos de transição e promove a interação entre cliente, ambiente, saúde e enfermagem. Além disso, possibilita que o enfermeiro provoque e estimule mudanças significativas nos resultados das transições por meio das terapêuticas de cuidado de enfermagem, evidenciando a necessidade de um cuidado personalizado e contextualizado, que leve em consideração a complexidade das experiências de maternidade tardia não planejada.

Abstract: Sexual and reproductive health is a fundamental pillar of the Brazilian healthcare system, highlighting the importance of public policies and programs aimed at promoting sexual and reproductive rights. In these policies, women aged 35 and older receive little or no attention regarding this issue, as the policies are focused on disease prevention. There is an increasing prevalence of unplanned pregnancies in this age group, and studies have not been able to capture knowledge about the experiences of women undergoing the transition to unplanned motherhood at an older age, in order to improve care for these women and promote a successful transition. Therefore, the aim of this study was to develop a Specific Situation Theory for nursing care of women aged 35 and older transitioning to motherhood from an unplanned pregnancy, based on the Transition Theory. The study is characterized as theoretical-exploratory with a qualitative nature, using the Integrative Approach for the development of Specific Situation Theories in nursing, guided by Afaf Meleis's theory-research-theory strategy. The methodological process involved a deductive reflective exercise, starting with the derivation of the central concepts of the Transition Theory. This was followed by induction through qualitative field research, with semi-structured interviews of six pregnant women who had unplanned pregnancies, with an average age of 41 years, conducted between July 2022 and July 2023 in the high-risk prenatal care of a university hospital in Southern Brazil. Inductively, data was also generated from the reanalysis of a master's thesis from the research group, as well as from an integrative literature review and experience with previous research on the topic, to support the development of the theory. From this, metaparadigm statements, assumptions, and propositions were developed. The developed theory explains the transition to unplanned motherhood in women aged 35 and over, contextualizing it as a complex social phenomenon, influenced by socioeconomic, cultural, individual, and collective factors. The theory elucidates how late motherhood, especially when unplanned, emerges as a role in constant transformation, permeated by diverse perceptions about the meaning of being a mother at this stage of life, often challenging previous expectations and beliefs. As the experience broadens, previous conceptions about motherhood are questioned, and new ones are formed, leading to a process of empowerment and personal redefinition. This transition to motherhood, marked by a plurality of perspectives and experiences, highlights the complexity and individuality of each woman. A graphic representation of the relationships between the metaparadigm statements was developed, along with nine propositions and five assumptions. This theory is based on strands of current scientific knowledge to justify its construction, emphasizing the importance of understanding human experiences and the social contexts in which they occur. The Specific Situation Theories achieved its objective insofar as it proposes a theoretical framework in which nursing care facilitates transition processes and promotes the interaction between client, environment, health, and nursing. Moreover, it enables the nurse to provoke and stimulate significant changes in transition outcomes through nursing care therapeutics, highlighting the need for personalized and contextualized care that considers the complexity of the experiences of unplanned late motherhood.

Humans , Female , Adult , Public Policy , Maternal Age , Pregnant Women , Pregnancy, Unplanned , Family Development Planning , Reproductive Health
Invest. educ. enferm ; 42(1): 157-164, 20240408. ilus
Article in English | LILACS, BDENF, COLNAL | ID: biblio-1554630


This article aims to reflect on scientific validation strategies in qualitative research in the light of translational theory in nursing. It is a reflection based on translational theory applied to nursing in strategies for validating qualitative studies. From this angle, validation is recognized as an adaptable construct, capable of eliciting/favoring an understanding of the subjectivity of the target audience in its relationship with the object of interest/study/research. The potential for advancing the science-profession lies in the interdisciplinary confluence of validation mechanisms, qualitative studies, the translational perspective, and nursing research. This confluence has the capacity to extend beyond theoretical and epistemological aspects. However, it is crucial to emphasize its profound, expressive, and relevant impact on the construction of scientific evidence. This impact aims to enhance the rigor and reliability of qualitative research, thereby bolstering its credibility and applicability in clinical practice.

El objetivo de este artículo es reflexionar sobre las estrategias de validación científica en la investigación cualitativa a la luz de la teoría traslacional en enfermería. Se trata de una reflexión basada en la teoría traslacional aplicada a la enfermería y en las estrategias de validación de los estudios cualitativos. Desde este ángulo, la validación se reconoce como un constructo adaptable, capaz de favorecer la comprensión de la subjetividad del público objetivo en su relación con el objeto de investigación. Esta confluencia interdisciplinar entre los mecanismos de validación, los estudios cualitativos, la perspectiva traslacional y la investigación en enfermería tiene el potencial de contribuir al avance de la ciencia-profesión con un alcance más allá de los aspectos teóricos y epistemológicos, pero desde la perspectiva de un impacto profundo, expresivo y relevante en la construcción de la evidencia científica con aún mayor rigor y fiabilidad en la investigación cualitativa y, por tanto, a su credibilidad y aplicabilidad en la práctica clínica.

O artigo tem por objetivo refletir sobre as estratégias de validação científica em pesquisas de abordagem qualitativa à luz da teoria translacional em enfermagem. Trata-se de uma reflexão que tem como fundamento a teoria translacional aplicada à enfermagem em estratégias de validação de estudos qualitativos. Por esse ângulo, a validação é reconhecida como um constructo adaptável, capaz de suscitar/favorecer a compreensão da subjetividade do público-alvo na sua relação com o objeto de interesse/estudo/pesquisa. Esta confluência interdisciplinar entre os mecanismos de validação, os estudos qualitativos, as o/a prisma-ótica-olhar-concepção translacional e a pesquisa de enfermagem tem o potencial de contribuir para o avanço da ciência-profissão com alcance para além dos aspectos teóricos e epistemológicos, mas na perspectiva de impacto profundo-expressivo-relevante na construção de evidências científicas com ainda mais rigor e confiabilidade em pesquisas qualitativas e, por tanto, para sua credibilidade e aplicabilidade na prática clínica.

Humans , Nursing Theory , Nursing , Validation Study , Qualitative Research
Rev. Pesqui. Fisioter ; 14(1)mar., 2024. ilus, tab
Article in English, Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1570167


INTRODUÇÃO: A estimulação sensório-motora (ESM) é uma intervenção precoce utilizada em recém-nascidos (RN) para a organização de seus sistemas. O fisioterapeuta que faz uso da ESM deve ter um olhar cuidadoso para os sinais apresentados pelos RN após os procedimentos. OBJETIVO: Analisar a percepção de fisioterapeutas sobre alterações do sistema autônomo e do estado comportamental de RN após procedimentos de ESM. MÉTODOS: Estudo transversal realizado com fisioterapeutas atuantes em unidades neonatais. Os dados foram coletados por questionário eletrônico, processados no programa SPSS (versão 21.0) e apresentados em frequência absoluta (n) e relativa (%). RESULTADOS: Participaram deste estudo 72 fisioterapeutas; 48,6% possuíam título de especialista, 63,9% atuavam em Unidade de Terapia Intensiva Neonatal, 38,8% residiam na região sul e 38,8% na região sudeste do Brasil. A percepção da maioria dos fisioterapeutas após procedimentos de ordem tátil foi estabilidade ou diminuição da frequência cardíaca (FC) e respiratória (FR), e estabilidade da saturação de oxigênio (SpO2 ), e após procedimentos de ordem vestibular foi estabilidade da FC, FR e SpO2 . Houve percepção de sono ativo, sonolência e alerta ativo após todos os procedimentos de ordem tátil e vestibular. O alerta ativo foi percebido após todos os procedimentos e o choro intenso não foi percebido. CONCLUSÃO: Do sistema autônomo, a maioria dos fisioterapeutas perceberam a FC e FR estáveis ou diminuídas e SpO2 estável ou aumentada após os procedimentos de ESM. Do estado comportamental, o alerta ativo foi percebido com maior frequência entre os fisioterapeutas.

INTRODUCTION: Sensory motor stimulation (SMS) is an early intervention used in newborns (NB) to organize their systems. The physiotherapist who uses SMS must pay careful attention to the signs presented by NB after the procedures. OBJECTIVE: To analyze the perception of physiotherapists about changes in the autonomic system and behavioral state of NB after SMS procedures. METHODS: Cross-sectional study carried out with physiotherapists working in neonatal units. Data were collected by electronic questionnaire, processed in the SPSS program (version 21.0) and presented in absolute (n) and relative (%) frequency. RESULTS: 72 physiotherapists participated in this study, 48.6% had a specialist degree, 63.9% worked in Neonatal Intensive Care Unit, 38.8% lived in the southern region and 38.8% in the southeastern region of Brazil. The perception of most physiotherapists after tactile procedures was stability or decrease in heart rate (HR), respiratory rate (RR) and stability of oxygen saturation (SpO2), and after vestibular procedures it was stability of HR, RR and SpO2. There was a perception of active sleep, drowsiness, and active alertness after all tactile and vestibular procedures. Active alertness was noticed after all procedures and intense crying was not noticed. CONCLUSION: Regarding the autonomic system, most physiotherapists noticed stable or decreased HR and RR, and stable or increased SpO2 after SMS procedures. Regarding the behavioral state, active alert was noticed more frequently among physiotherapists.

Infant, Newborn , Intensive Care Units, Neonatal , Physical Therapists
Med. U.P.B ; 43(1): 84-93, ene.-jun. 2024. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-1531514


El diagnóstico de enfermedad de Parkinson (ED) se basa en las principales manifestaciones motoras: bradicinesia en combinación con temblor en reposo, rigidez o ambos. Cuando se realiza el diagnóstico basado en la sintomatología motora clínica típica ya se han perdido hasta el 60 % de las neuronas dopaminérgicas de la sustancia negra pars compacta mesencefálica. La identificación de los síntomas premotores son un marcador temprano para sospechar la aparición futura de la enfermedad, así como su progresión y gravedad. La hipótesis sobre la patogénesis que mejor expone la progresión de la enfermedad es la teoría de Braak. Esta se basa en la aparición y presencia de cuerpos de Lewy en diferentes estructuras anatómicas, las cuales representadas en cada uno de sus seis estadios y podrían ser la explicación biológica de los síntomas premotores, motores y no motores. La detección temprana de los síntomas premotores puede tener repercusiones positivas en el enfoque, seguimiento, diagnóstico y tratamiento de la EP. El propósito de este artículo es identificar las aproximaciones neurológicas descritas por la teoría de Braak para los síntomas premotores de la enfermedad de Parkinson de acuerdo con la literatura publicada en los últimos 20 años.

The diagnosis of Parkinson's disease (PD) is based on the main motor manifestations: bradykinesia in combination with tremor at rest, rigidity, or both. When the diagnosis is made based on typical clinical motor symptoms, up to 60 % of the dopaminergic neurons of the mesencephalic substantia nigra pars compacta have already been lost. The identification of premotor symptoms is an early marker to suspect the future appearance of the disease, as well as its progression and severity. The hypothesis about the pathogenesis that best exposes the progression of the disease is Braak's theory. It is based on the appearance and presence of Lewy bodies in different anatomical structures, which are represented in each of its six stages and could be the biological explanation biological of premotor, motor, and non-motor symptoms. Early detection of premotor symptoms can have positive repercussions in the approach, follow-up, diagnosis and treatment of PD. The purpose of this article is to identify the neurological approaches described by Braak's theory for the premotor symptoms of Parkinson's disease according to the literature published in the last 20 years.

O diagnóstico da doença de Parkinson (DP) baseia-se nas principais manifestações motoras: bradicinesia combinada com tremor de repouso, rigidez ou ambos. Quando o diagnóstico é feito com base em sintomas clínicos motores típicos, até 60% dos neurônios dopaminérgicos da substância negra pars compacta mesencefálica já foram perdidos. A identificação de sintomas pré-motores é um marcador precoce para suspeitar do futuro aparecimento da doença, bem como da sua progressão e gravidade. A hipótese sobre a patogênese que melhor expõe a progressão da doença é a teoria de Braak. Isto se baseia no aparecimento e presença de corpos de Lewy em diferentes estruturas anatômicas, que estão representados em cada uma de suas seis etapas e podem ser a explicação biológica dos sintomas pré-motores, motores e não motores. A detecção precoce de sintomas pré-motores pode repercutir positivamente na abordagem, acompanhamento, diagnóstico e tratamento da DP. O objetivo deste artigo é identificar as abordagens neurológicas descritas pela teoria de Braak para os sintomas pré-motores da doença de Parkinson de acordo com a literatura publicada nos últimos 20 anos.

Humans , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Aged, 80 and over
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1006573


Patients with cancer-related fatigue are prone to symptoms and signs such as anorexia, weight loss, and abdominal distension, which seriously reduces the quality of life and becomes an independent risk factor affecting the survival rate of patients with malignant tumors. Therefore, it is urgent to find effective treatment strategies and drugs. In the past, the academic viewpoint of improving syndromes—a new strategy for tumor treatment was proposed based on the guidance of the Luobing theory. Based on this, this article proposes the pathogenesis of cancer-related fatigue is characterized by spleen and kidney deficiency, stasis and toxin internal obstruction, as well as the treatment method of strengthening the spleen and tonifying the kidney, resolving blood stasis and detoxification guided by the core theory of the Qiluo doctrine of Chengzhi Tiaoping. The representative drug Yangzheng Xiaoji capsules has been developed, not only has good therapeutic effect on solid tumors, but also shows good advantages in treating cancer-related fatigue, which can help to restore the homeostasis of tumor bearing survival in patients with malignant tumors and provide new drug choices for the clinical treatment of cancer-related fatigue.

Chongqing Medicine ; (36): 161-164,170, 2024.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1017457


Metal elements are the most common and widely distributed chemical elements in nature,which are closely related to human health,and their excess or lack will have a profound impact on the physio-logical and pathological processes of the body.This paper defines the concept of"metal element stress re-sponse",that is,the stress response that can occur in various cells,tissues and organs throughout the body when the content of metal elements in the body exceeds or falls below a certain level.According to the degree of stress,it can be divided into four dimensions:physiological stress,burden stress,pathological stress and disease stress.This paper comprehensively describes the degree,mode and biological effect of the interaction between metal elements and organism,and"four-dimensional theory"of metal element stress response is pro-posed,aiming to provide new ideas and new methods for seeking the potential intervention strategies of metal element stress response in the future

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1018301


The clinical manifestations of colorectal polyps are consistent with the characteristics of dampness, stickiness and heaviness. The TCM constitutions in the prone population are mostly related to dampness. The pathological changes of intestinal flora imbalance, intestinal micro inflammation, neuroendocrine immune network and abnormal aquaporin in colorectal polyps are consistent with the research results of modern mechanism of dampness pathogen. This article believed that the TCM pathogenesis of colorectal polyps caused by damp pathogen is the accumulation of spleen deficiency and dampness caused by improper diet, poor emotion and other factors, and the interweaving of various diseases and pathogens to form tangible foreign bodies. According to the pathogenic characteristics of damp pathogen and the pathogenic factors of colorectal polyps, the influence of damp pathogen on the pathogenesis of colorectal polyps was discussed, in order to provide an effective TCM theoretical basis for the diagnosis and treatment of colorectal polyps in clinic.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1018305


Objective:To study the distribution of TCM constitutions in maintenance hemodialysis (MHD) patients.Methods:This is a multicenter cross-sectional study. The general clinical data, dialysis-related parameters and physical and chemical examination data of MHD patients from 6 dialysis centers in Sichuan were collected. At the same time, DS01-A tongue and facial pulse information collection system was used for TCM constitution discrimination.Results:A total of 232 MHD patients were enrolled , and 417 kinds of TCM constitutions were detected, including 59 patients (25.43%) with moderate constitution and 173 patients (74.57%) with biased constitution. Phlegm-dampness was the most common type of solid constitution 47 patients (20.26%). The most common deficiency constitution was qi deficiency 86 patients (37.07%). There were certain differences in the physical distribution of patients with different gender, age, dialysis age, BMI, and whether they had diabetes, hypertension or anemia.Conclusions:The TCM constitutions of MHD patients are mainly biased constitution. Gender, age, BMI, diabetes or hypertension have a certain impact on the distribution of TCM constitutions. At the same time, different constitutions may have an impact on the anemia of MHD patients. The intervention of TCM constitutions on MHD patients may be beneficial to the prognosis of MHD patients.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1018322


Myelodysplastic syndrome (MDS) is a malignant hematologic tumor, which is currently difficult to cure. The theory of Xuanfu was proposed by Liu Wansu, which is unique in the clinical evidence of Chinese medicine and is less frequently applied to hematological diseases. The application of Xuanfu theory in myelodysplastic syndrome provides new ideas for the treatment of the disease. The abnormal flow of Qi, blood and fluids caused by the occlusion of the Xuanfu is the cause of toxic stasis obstruction, which is the pathogenesis of toxic stasis obstruction. Thus, the method of dispersion of Bone from Xuanfu, the external treatment of Xuanfu, and regulation of liver qi and Xuanfu help to return to normal of opening and closing function of Xuanfu, and release toxic stasis. In this paper, we analyzed the evidence of toxin-stasis obstruction in myelodysplastic syndrome from the theory of Xuanfu, aiming to provide a feasible theoretical basis for clinical treatment of the disease.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1018346


Objective To observe the clinical efficacy of Qigui Tongluo Oral Liquid(a hospital preparation developed by Guangdong Second Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital and being composed of Astragali Radix,Angelicae Sinensis Radix,Notoginseng Radix et Rhizoma,Paeoniae Radix Rubra,Achyranthis Bidentatae Radix,Spatholobi Caulis,Salviae Miltiorrhizae Radix et Rhizoma,Pheretima,etc.)combined with moxibustion for the treatment of chronic fatigue syndrome(CFS)of qi deficiency and blood stasis type on the basis of qi-collateral theory.Methods A retrospective study was conducted in 60 CFS patients with qi deficiency and blood stasis type.The patients were divided into an observation group and a control group,with 30 patients in each group according to the therapy.The control group was treated with mild moxibustion on Shenque(CV8)point with moxa sticks,and the observation group was treated with Qigui Tongluo Oral Liquid on the basis of treatment for the control group.The course of treatment lasted for 4 weeks.The changes of traditional Chinese medicine(TCM)syndrome scores,Fatigue Scale-14(FS-14)scores,serum immunoglobulin IgA,IgM,IgG levels,and cortisol(COR)level in the two groups were observed before and after the treatment.After treatment,the clinical efficacy and safety of the two groups were evaluated.Results(1)After 4 weeks of treatment,the total effective rate of the observation group was 96.67%(29/30),and that of the control group was 80.00%(24/30).The intergroup comparison showed that the clinical efficacy of the observation group was significantly superior to that of the control group(P<0.05).(2)After treatment,the TCM syndrome scores and FS-14 scores of patients in the two groups were significantly decreased compared with those before treatment(P<0.01),and the effect on decreasing TCM syndrome scores and FS-14 scores in the observation group was significantly superior to that in the control group(P<0.01).(3)After treatment,the serum IgA and IgG levels of the two groups as well as the serum IgM and COR levels of the observation group were significantly increased compared with those before treatment(P<0.01),and the effect of the observation group on increasing serum IgA,IgM,IgG,and COR levels was significantly superior to that of the control group(P<0.05 or P<0.01).(4)During the treatment,there were no significant adverse reactions occurring in the two groups.Conclusion Healthy-qi deficiency and collateral obstruction contribute to the core pathogenesis of CFS.Based on the TCM qi-collateral theory and following the therapeutic principle of replenishing deficiency and unblocking collaterals,Qigui Tongluo Oral Liquid combined with moxibustion for the treatment of CFS patients with qi deficiency and blood stasis type can achieve certain efficacy.The combined therapy could significantly alleviate the clinical symptoms,improve the immunity level,and regulate the neuro-endocrine-immune(NEI)network of the patients.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1019061


0bjective To explore the effectiveness of caregivers based on health education under the guidance of timing theory in the nursing of elderly patients after hip replacement.Methods By convenient sampling method,eighty elderly patients undergoing hip replacement were divided into control group and observation group,40 cases in each group.The control group was given routine orthopedic care,and the observation group was based on health management under the guidance of the timing theory(total hip replacement,TIR)based on routine orthopedic care.The Harris Hip Score,Activities of Daily Living Scale(Barthel index),Caregiver Burden Inventory and Family Caregiver Task Inventory were used to compare and evaluate the application effect of health education of two groups of caregivers in the nursing of elderly patients after hip replacement.Results The patients were observed one month and three months after discharge,the Harris score and Barthel index of the observation group were significantly higher than those of the control group(P<0.01).At discharge,1 month after discharge and 3 months after discharge,the FCTI score(P<0.01)and CBI score(P<0.01)of family caregivers in the observation group were significantly lower than those in the control group.Conclusion Caregivers based on health education under the guidance of timing theory can effectively reduce the care burden of caregivers,enhance the care ability of caregivers,improve the rehabilitation effect of patients,and ameliorative the quality of life of patients.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1020430


Objective:To explore the factors that promote and hinder exercise adherence in long dialysis duration hemodialysis patients, and to provide a reference for improving their exercise levels.Methods:From March to May 2023, a qualitative research method using phenomenon approach was conducted and 15 patients with peritoneal dialysis for at least 10 years at the People′s Liberation Army Central Command Headquarters Hospital (Hankou Hospital) were selected for in-depth interviews using purposive sampling method. The data were analyzed using Colaizzi 7-step method and the main themes were extracted.Results:Among the 15 interviewers, there were 5 males and 10 females, aged 39-76 years old.Conclusions:The exercise level of long dialysis duration hemodialysis patients is influenced by multiple factors. Medical staff should correct their cognitive biases and change their behavioral attitudes, strengthen external supportive environments and reduce subjective normative pressures, gradually provide more objective support, thereby promoting the exercise training of long dialysis duration hemodialysis patients.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1020450


Objective:To construct a postoperative exercise management program for elderly patients with lung cancer based on social cognitive theory, and to provide guidance for improving the postoperative exercise ability of elderly patients with lung cancer.Methods:Systematically searched UpToDate, PubMed, Web of Science, Cochrane Library, Medlive, Wanfang, CNKI and other databases for relevant literature on postoperative rehabilitation exercise for elderly patients with lung cancer, with the search time from the establishment of the database to February 13, 2023. Guided by social cognitive theory, a preliminary draft of the postoperative exercise management program for elderly patients with lung cancer was prepared based on the literature research, and the final draft was formed after revising the program content through expert meeting method.Results:The questionnaire recovery rate of expert meeting method was 12/12; the expert authority coefficient was 0.892; the importance coefficient of variation of each item was 0-0.150; the Kendall coordination coefficient was 0.262 ( P<0.001); the final exercise management program included 5 first-level items, 18 second-level items and 42 third-level items. Conclusions:The process of constructing the postoperative exercise management program for elderly patients with lung cancer has scientificity and reliability, and the content has rationality and comprehensiveness, which can provide guidance for improving the postoperative exercise rehabilitation of elderly patients with lung cancer.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1021050


Children with specific language impairment(SLI)have normal cognitive abilities but experience language deficits.The heterogeneity of language disorders makes SLI children optimal subjects for investigating the correlation between language ability and theory of mind.This paper provides a comprehensive review of foreign em-pirical studies examining the relationship between language ability and theory of mind in SLI groups from various perspectives.The findings indicate that specific types of language disorders exhibit delayed development in theory of mind,which is closely associated with their language ability deficits.Among all linguistic elements,syntactic de-fects demonstrate the most concentrated evidence regarding their impact on theory of mind.It is noteworthy that al-though SLI children offer valuable insights into the correlation between language and theory of mind,further investi-gation is still required to comprehensively comprehend this association.The present study also provides recommenda-tions for future research endeavors in this domain.